Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Year - Old Resolutions

Thank God it's 2009 and 2008 is OVER.

And now, the dreaded resolutions.  Personally, I'm not big on resolutions.  While there are good intentions initially, I find it rare that people actually follow through with them.  I'm one of those people.  

But, this year, I am going to really try to keep to them, and there's motivation involved.  There's a website called StickK, where people can register, list their resolutions, assign a coach to make sure they are making progress, and even wager money, so that if the resolution isn't performed, the money can go to a favorite charity...or a least favorite charity (I think it's referred to as an anti-charity).  

With this in mind, I have three resolutions:
  1. Lose 20 pounds and maintain the loss throughout the year.
  2. Write the manuscript for the book.
  3. Hand-write letters to people throughout the year.
I have to register these on the site, and list 'coaches' for each one.  I'll post the progress on the blog throughout the year.  

Happy New Year!!!

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