Sunday, January 17, 2010

Musically Challenged

As part of everything SCF and I have to do for the wedding, we have the challenge of picking out some music.

Why, you may ask, is music such a challenge? Perhaps I should mention now: SCF is a huge music buff. I am humbled by his vast array of musical knowledge. I am merely someone who likes a little of everything, and can't tell you the name of any song titles. So, if I have a song in my head, I either have to hear it again and say, "Oh, yes. That's the song," or ask the SCF.

So far we know what we don't want. We've already decided "anything with animals" is to be excluded - for example, there will be no Chicken Dance or Alley Cat. We've nixed the garter tradition, so I guess that means no Beyonce's "Single Ladies." I personally have never been a fan of the tradition (I like the Beyonce song), and given most of our friends and family are already married, it doesn't make much sense.

We've managed to pick out our first dance song. Ok - SCF picked it out and I wept when I heard it and pronounced that had to be the song. We've found some agreed upon music for dinner and dancing (everything from Michael Buble to Metallica). Now we're at the stage where we need to pick out the "entry" music (we may go with something from Prince) and the "Father Daughter" and "Mother Son" dance music.

This will either be a lot of fun or excruciatingly painful for the SCF... :)

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