Sunday, October 19, 2008

Two Rights and a Weft

As always, I had fun with my girls on Saturday. We've decided to make an annual tradition out of going to Eastern State Penitentiary's Terror Behind the Walls. It's never a dull moment, and we're all equally impressed with how well it is run.

As I've said in previous posts, Saturday was what would have been my 11th wedding anniversary. My sister sent me a text saying she was thinking of me on Friday, which was really nice of her.

Be proud of me: I only broke down twice.

At the vet's as I was waiting for her to come in to check on my poor dog Pep who broke into hives, I started to think about what the day was, and had myself a good cry.

I also broke down after Manfriend came over, picked me up, went grocery shopping with me, bought me red roses, carried in my groceries and took out my trash as I put stuff away. I stood there at one point in amazement. We went to the grocery store, and we didn't get huffy or pissy with one another. We had our lists. We grabbed what was on our lists. We paid for our groceries. We packed his car. No incidents. None. Huh. No kidding. It was a fabulous domestic date.

I know this looks like a no-brainer. Uh, hello? Cheryl? It's food shopping. But, my ex-husband and I were not good co-grocery shoppers. We were fine individually, but put us together to shop for food - forget it.

Before Manfriend left, he gave me a bear hug and a kiss, and told me if I needed anything to call him. He's a total sweetheart. I love he's so willing to be available. And I don't mean like a taxi-cab kind of available. I mean, mentally available.

Yes, I'm gushing. I'm okay with that. But, it was again overwhelming, and as soon as he walked out the door, I cried. I cry at his kindness, because it is simply wonderful. Eventually I will get over the crying phase, but for now, it's what I do in reaction to what he does.

Back to girls night out: The girls arrived at 6:00, and we had dinner which consisted of lasagna (not mine, restaurant-purchased) and garlic bread, and dessert, which consisted of munching down a bunch of halloween candy and chatting it up in my kitchen. I was having such a good time I threw it out there we could ditch Terror Behind the Walls and just drink and chat. But, I had purchased the tickets, and the girls looked like they wanted to go out, so we piled into my car and drove to Broad and Spring Garden Streets to take the Ghost Bus to Eastern State Penitentiary.

As we were waiting to board the Ghost Bus, J told us a story, and it made me laugh so hard I snort-laughed. The two guys in front of us whipped their heads around, saw that I was the one snort-laughing, and said that the noise eminating from me was "impressive." When we entered the attraction, J got the attention of one of the zombies who followed her to two parts of the prison. This happened last year, too, as a zombie dressed in a zoot suit followed her through a room. Creepy and funny all at once. I 'laugh-screamed' every five minutes. T actually screamed a few times, too, which was terrific. It was so worth it.

When we left the Terror Behind the Walls and walked back to our parking, an Escalade drove by us, and all of a sudden we heard from the SUV: "Hey! Heeeey! I remember YOU!" and with that, we heard, "SNORT!" The guy actually made a pig snort noise.

Nice that my snort-laugh makes a lasting impression.

My jaw dropped. I waved, and told the guy to rock on as he and his group sped away. I thought T was going to wet her pants from laughing. J just stood there and shook her head. Ah, Philly. Yet another place of weirdo magnetism.

We get to the parking lot, and since I had forgotten to print out reverse directions, I asked the parking attendant for directions to 76 West. As he's explaining, he says, "Ok, so you go down this road, make a right. Go up two lights, make a right. Go to this light, and make a weft. So, basically, it's two rights and a weft."


"Girls," as we pull out of the parking lot, "Did he say weft?" "Yep, weft."

Ookeedokee. Thank you. For a moment, I thought that I misheard him because I had a full bladder and couldn't concentrate on anything else other than getting home to pee .

Nope. Weft.

As we sat in traffic on 76, I thought about all the great stories of the day, and not one of them involved me in the fetal position in my bed being devastated by this milestone.

I survived.
I had a great day.
All of this is just the start of great days ahead.

1 comment:

NurseKelly-belly said...

Loved this piece too. I hope your dog is feeling better.
Sounds like you had a great time--I've got to get to Eastern State someday. Did I tell you that my Mike is a prison guard? (I'm sorry "Corrections Officer." He'll start with a new spot in Admissions in January. Makes is sounds like he works at a college! Medical staff does cavity searches, thank God. LOL)
My sister just started a blog and I she told me I could actually follow hers. When I realized yours was on the same site, I though I'd add yours too. I really like your stuff and I swear I'm not stalking you!
Beth's blog is
(There is a truely frightening picture of us from when we were kids there... 80s fashion, what can I say.) Her therapist recommended that she keep a journal and she took it to the next step. I'mreally proud of her.
Talk to you soon.