Monday, August 11, 2008

My WTF? Moment...

So, today was weird.

I had a very disturbing weirdo magnet moment at my local home improvement store this morning.

I went there to pick up paint for the house (my Dad is motoring with the paint jobs – he’s doing the hallways this week). There was a grandpop-esque gentleman at the counter. He was a really nice guy. Called me hon. You know, the usual you would expect at a local home improvement store.

He prepared the paint, put the top on the can, and put a little dot of paint on top so I could see what it looked like. I thanked him and picked up the paint can.

The dot wasn’t dried, and I got paint on the sleeve of the long-sleeved shirt I was wearing. Instinctively, as a grandpop, he grabbed my sleeve, licked his two fingers, and proceeded to try to rub the paint out of my shirt.

I had no words.

I’m pretty sure putting spittle on a customer’s shirt is not in the customer code of conduct.


He meant no harm. In a way, it was know, other than smudging his spit on my shirt. I know it was Pop-Pop instinct. I know it was. But, at the same time...

*heebie jeebies*

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